All The Words: May 2013

May 31, 2013 § 3 Comments

Sweetness: this evening, this wind the skin has missed, the flirting sun not wanting to set alone.

Sigh: All that was. All that won’t be. All that went wrong. All that went right. All the words, without words. Or just this warmth.

Midnight: sometimes we must start in the middle, move to the start, then return to the end and restart again. There’s no hurry midnights.

Midnight: or how to share a night.

Midnight: the midwife of days.

Midnight: place your words into its darkness, light and eery, in your dream.

Early morning: the soul without the world in the background.

Beauty: the same sunlight since millions of years; its certainty, its warmth, its forgiveness.

Random: fate when too enthusiastic.

Catastrophe: fate when bored.

Fair: fate when lacking inspiration.

Fate: not the Nobel Prize for Peace laureate.

Double jeopardy: we might once get what we thought we really wanted.

Sight: the other side.

Reason: Say, you’ve made the best cherry jam ever, but you have no jar for it. Eat it all at once or go a day back in time? Be reasonable!

Distance: time measured by meters, meters measured by falling trees, trees exchanging roots for branches.

Closeness: just a trembling note between the two dancers; just the second after a phone call; an ink that won’t dry with time.

Happiness: buying warm fresh bread; sharing a corner of it with my son on our walk home.

Loss: You don’t have to have had something in order to lose it, as we can never really possess anything. Thus, losing is a matter of desire.

(Three months after a death, one might start crying in his sleep. One year after a word, one more could follow. Who can tell such things?)

Grief: it comes in waves and leaves with parts of the rocks.

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§ 3 Responses to All The Words: May 2013

  • birds fly says:

    Four midnights…were you writing particularly late into the night in May? (my favorite is “the midwife of days”). I also like your early morning…it is indeed as you say. I have recently been becoming reacquainted with that welcome phenomenon (especially here in a busy city).


    • Magda Kapa says:

      Yes, I do write late into the night. I teach during the day and am the mother of a preschooler, so all I manage to write *is* mostly fragments of my thoughts in the evenings or late at night. That’s why twitter’s microblogging is the perfect medium for me. Nevertheless, I keep coming back here, bringing my ‘goodies’ with me to put them together into longer pieces. And sometimes (I hope now during the summer break to be able to do so again) I write a longer piece for my blog.

      Thanks for keep coming back to read here. And I’m sorry I’m always late with my responses. .


      • birds fly says:

        No worries on lateness of responses. I hope you do write some longer pieces, though these shorter ones are wonderful. I’m glad you continue to cross-post them from Twitter since I’m not on there.


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